Highly porous tin foam, developed through specialized processing techniques. This material, shown in the image, was studied by an interdisciplinary team at HZB to evaluate its performance as a battery electrode.


Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Riss at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) für Materialien und Energie.
Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Risse, Image credit: HZB
Dr. Francisco Garcia-Moreno at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Discovering new materials and developing technologies for a climate-neutral energy supply of the future. Their X-ray source BESSY II attracts many researchers from around the world.
Dr. Francisco Garcia-Moreno, Image credit: HZB




几十年来,锂离子电池依赖石墨电极在充放电时传递锂离子。石墨虽稳定,但其理论容量仅为372 mAh g⁻¹,促使研究者寻找更高能量密度的替代品。锡以993 mAh g⁻¹的理论容量——几乎是石墨的三倍——脱颖而出。“锡资源丰富、无毒,且能储存更多锂离子,”HZB的共同作者塞巴斯蒂安·里瑟博士(Dr. Sebastian Risse)说。这项研究已发表在《先进科学》上。然而,问题在于:锂离子进入时,锡体积膨胀高达260%,导致龟裂和性能衰退。

Schematic diagram illustrating the operando cell architecture used for discharge/charge experiments. The components include: (A) current collector, (B) Sn electrode, (C) Celgard separator, (D) lithium chip, (E-F) steel spacers, (G) steel spring, (H) polyether ether ketone (PEEK) ring, (I) stainless steel electrode, (J) PEEK window, and (K) stainless steel screw
Schematic diagram illustrating the operando cell architecture used for discharge/charge experiments. The components include: (A) current collector, (B) Sn electrode, (C) Celgard separator, (D) lithium chip, (E-F) steel spacers, (G) steel spring, (H) polyether ether ketone (PEEK) ring, (I) stainless steel electrode, (J) PEEK window, and (K) stainless steel screw. Source: Advanced Science (https://advanced.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/advs.202414892)


为解开这个谜团,HZB团队在BESSY II的BAMline设施使用了最先进的实时X射线成像技术——这台同步加速器能发射高能X射线。“我们在循环中实时观察锡电极,”首席作者布赫拉·布阿巴迪博士(Dr. Bouchra Bouabadi)说,“就像看到材料在呼吸——膨胀、收缩、断裂。”他们的超高分辨率射线照相技术(像素精度达0.83 μm)显示,锂在固态锡箔中形成了“岛屿”、“边缘”和“底部”区域。随着锂嵌入,“岛屿”出现裂缝和空隙,而“底部”相对稳定,暗示不均匀应力是失效元凶。


弗朗西斯科·加西亚-莫雷诺博士(Dr. Francisco Garcia-Moreno)的创意——锡泡沫——带来了突破。这种海绵状结构,54%的孔隙率来自微米级气孔,能缓冲膨胀压力。“气孔给锂离子提供了空间,大幅减轻机械应力,”这位金属泡沫专家解释道。他们通过粉末冶金法制造:将锡粉(< 44 μm,99.8%纯度)与碳酸氢铵(200-320 μm)按50:50体积比混合,在300 MPa下压制成20毫米直径片,然后在真空下分两阶段烧结(140°C和180°C,各2小时)。碳酸盐分解后留下多孔锡骨架。

锡泡沫在BESSY II的首次亮相(HZB新闻室2025年2月24日公布)展现了其潜力。与固态箔不同,它弯而不碎,这得益于其22 μm的微小晶粒——远小于100 μm固态箔的260 μm晶粒。更多晶界通过滑动缓解了应力,这一发现也在《先进科学》中详述。

Microstructural characterization of tin electrodes. (A,B) Sn foil electrode (14 mm diameter, 25 μm thickness): (A) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image and (B) corresponding electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) orientation-distribution map with crystallographic orientations shown in false colors (see legend). (C,D) Sn foil electrode (14 mm diameter, 100 μm thickness): (C) SEM image and (D) corresponding EBSD orientation-distribution map.
Microstructural characterization of tin electrodes. (A,B) Sn foil electrode (14 mm diameter, 25 μm thickness): (A) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image and (B) corresponding electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) orientation-distribution map with crystallographic orientations shown in false colors (see legend). (C,D) Sn foil electrode (14 mm diameter, 100 μm thickness): (C) SEM image and (D) corresponding EBSD orientation-distribution map. Source: Advanced Science (https://advanced.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/advs.202414892)




