Traditional stilt fishermen try their luck with the changing tide at sunset in Koggala, Sri Lanka. It showcases the water movement in contrast to the stillness of the fishermen. Traditional, artisanal fishing methods like these, used for subsistence do not pose significant threats to the ocean’s natural resources. On the contrary, these make local communities stakeholders to the ocean’s health.

帕夫洛斯·埃万格利迪斯(Pavlos Evangelidis)镜头下的水上人家:2024年世界自然摄影大赛获奖者

Self portrait by Pavlos Evangelidis, environmental photographer, Greece
Self portrait, Image Credit: Pavlos Evangelidis

帕夫洛斯·埃万格利迪斯(Pavlos Evangelidis)镜头下的水上人家:2024年世界自然摄影大赛获奖者

当太阳沉向地平线时,天空被染上了戏剧性的云彩,带着温暖的粉红色、橙色和紫色。柔和的光线反射在印度洋上,给海面投下金色的光辉。在斯里兰卡的科加拉(Koggala, Sri Lanka)海岸,一场视觉盛宴精彩地展现出来。几位技艺高超的渔民坐在细长杆子上,进行着独特的传统高跷捕鱼。

著名摄影师帕夫洛斯·埃万杰利迪斯(Pavlos Evangelidis)为了捕捉这个唯美的镜头,巧妙地运用了10秒长曝光来柔化拍打的海浪,以捕捉到清晰的渔民身影,营造出海洋永恒动态与渔民平静神态之间的鲜明对比。这幅名为《今日之捕》的图像最近在2024年世界自然摄影奖中赢得了“人与自然”类别的第一名。

Traditional stilt fishermen try their luck with the changing tide at sunset in Koggala, Sri Lanka. It showcases the water movement in contrast to the stillness of the fishermen. Traditional, artisanal fishing methods like these, used for subsistence do not pose significant threats to the ocean’s natural resources. On the contrary, these make local communities stakeholders to the ocean’s health.
Traditional stilt fishermen try their luck with the changing tide at sunset in Koggala, Sri Lanka. It showcases the water movement in contrast to the stillness of the fishermen. Traditional, artisanal fishing methods like these, used for subsistence do not pose significant threats to the ocean’s natural resources. On the contrary, these make local communities stakeholders to the ocean’s health., Image credit: Pavlos Evangelidis




Maasais celebrating the ocean with their traditional jumping dance. In Pongwe, Zanzibar, Tanzania, they are far from their traditional homes in the mountainous areas of southern and western Kenya and northern Tanzania.
Maasais celebrating the ocean with their traditional jumping dance. In Pongwe, Zanzibar, Tanzania, they are far from their traditional homes in the mountainous areas of southern and western Kenya and northern Tanzania., Image credit: Pavlos Evangelidis

目前,他正在进行“人与海洋”(H2O)系列。此系列深入探讨人与海洋紧密相连的关系。他解释道:“这个项目旨在探索人类社区与海洋之间复杂的依赖和共存关系。” 他的照片架起了一座桥梁,将观众与遥远的文化联系起来,提醒我们水上人家的生活。


Fishing in the fog by Pavlos Evangelidis, environmental photographer, Greece
Fishing in the fog, Image credit: Pavlos Evangelidis

帕夫洛斯·埃万杰利迪斯曾冒险进入位于贝宁的偏远孤立社区加维耶(Ganvié, Benin)进行摄影记录。加维耶于17世纪建立,最初是为了帮助人们逃避奴隶贩子,如今已发展为一个充满活力且以捕鱼为生的社区。他回忆道:“我的目标是反映这个社区在微妙的生态平衡中蓬勃发展的韧性和适应能力。” 一位当地渔民在清晨薄雾中撒网的画面令人动容,生动地展现了这个浮动村庄的日常生活和环境挑战。


Pavlos Evangelidis, environmental photographer, Greece
The throw, Image credit: Pavlos Evangelidis

拍摄像加维耶这样偏远独特的环境非常具有挑战性,帕夫洛斯·埃万杰利迪斯对此深有体会。他的冒险进入孤立地点需要周密的计划,以运输沉重且常常笨重的设备,这些挑战在水下工作时更加严重。埃万杰利迪斯回忆道:“去年一月,我在期待已久的密克罗尼西亚楚克泻湖旅行中,准备拍摄二战遗址,但是由于航空公司的失误,我的35公斤设备没有及时到达,使我陷入了困境。这是偏远摄影不可预测性的一个显著例子。” 虽然自2021年以来,他居住在科托努,使他更方便前往加维耶——只需一小时车程和短途船程——但这些拍摄的后勤挑战仍然存在。

An artisanal fisherman is out in River Nile, Uganda, with the morning mist steaming out. Traditional, artisanal fishing methods like these, used for subsistence do not pose significant threats to the natural resources., Image On the contrary, they make local communities stakeholders to their good health.
An artisanal fisherman is out in River Nile, Uganda, with the morning mist steaming out. Traditional, artisanal fishing methods like these, used for subsistence do not pose significant threats to the natural resources., Image On the contrary, they make local communities stakeholders to their good health., Image credit: Pavlos Evangelidis,


Shot on assignment in a remote village in Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands, visiting a project fighting exploitation of children linked to the increasing pressures of logging and fishing industries in the area.
Shot on assignment in a remote village in Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands, visiting a project fighting exploitation of children linked to the increasing pressures of logging and fishing industries in the area., Image credit: Pavlos Evangelidis



A lone rider enjoying a moment at sunset on the Essaouira Beach in Morocco. Local communities like these are stakeholders to the beach and ocean health and need to look after its health, notably by reducing pollution along the shore – especially plastic.,
A lone rider enjoying a moment at sunset on the Essaouira Beach in Morocco. Local communities like these are stakeholders to the beach and ocean health and need to look after its health, notably by reducing pollution along the shore – especially plastic., Image credit: Pavlos Evangelidis

