Special Dedication from Chener Cherry Yuan
During the quarantine time, the music still plays on.
We proudly present you Chener (Cherry) Yuan performing Ysaye: Sonata for Solo Violin, Op. 27, No. 2 ″Jacques Thibaud″
From the violinist:
″This sonata is the second one in a set of six solo violin sonatas that the great violinist Ysaye composed and each one was dedicated to one of his friends. Although the second sonata is technically the least demanding of the six, but its musical weight is no less lighter than the other ones. The most palpable and constant thematic material of this piece is the ″Dies Irae″ theme, which is a plainchant from the Catholic Mass for the Dead, or known as the sequence in Requiem.
During this difficult time caused by the virus, I specifically chose this sonata to work on. I hope it will comfort the ones who lost their loved ones and will bring peace to every living soul who is still in suffering.″