加里·达德扬(Garri Dadyan),承先启后的金属雕刻大师
亚美尼亚的金属雕刻师,加里·达德扬(Garri Dadyan)通过了结合使用传统工具和现代技术的方法,恢复了亚美尼亚古老的金属雕刻工艺,并将其带入了新的高艺术水平。
亚美尼亚的金属雕刻师,加里·达德扬(Garri Dadyan)通过了结合使用传统工具和现代技术的方法,恢复了亚美尼亚古老的金属雕刻工艺,并将其带入了新的高艺术水平。
Garri Dadyan, an ethnic Armenian, has revived the ancient metal processing and craftsmanship and has brought it to a high level of artistry
Ice Formations -氷が織りなす不思議な形… 真っ白な雪と氷が暗い水の上に大きく浮かび上がり、アラスカの原野の本来の美しさを見せてくれます。
Vibes of Nature Revealed by Andro Loria The sprawling river networks, reminiscent of vascularization, that spread out in the Icelandic terrain are utterly breathtaking. The colors, shapes and patterns are beautifully interwoven and contrasted, making for glorious naturally created visual presentations. Owing to Andro′s talents in capturing images of these amazing landscapes, as well as
伊麗莎白. 沈(Elizabeth Shen)對毛小孩的熱愛始於多年前家中的兩個兔寶貝。從他們身上,她學會了愛和尊重。之後,她在家免協會(House Rabbit Society) 当义工,接著又擔任幾個流浪兔救援組織的中途之家,並開始了野生動物攝影。她不但參加在線大師班,並參加野生動物攝影之旅,如此有助於她提高攝影技術並更能接近野生動物。無論是兔子,郊狼還是鳥,她為這些動物所拍攝的照片生动迷人,她對這些動物真摯的愛更是在照片裡一覽無遺。
Love for Wildlife by Elizabeth Shen Elizabeth′s love for furry animals began when she met the two family pet rabbits. From them, she learned to love and respect all animals. Afterwards, she volunteered at the House Rabbit Society (HRS), fostered for SaveABunny and The Rabbit Haven and eventually took to wildlife photography. Taking online masterclasses
Forever Sensational Paintings by Jean-Humbert Savoldelli “RECONCILIATION”, Courtesy: Jean-Humbert Savoldelli Jean-Humbert′s unequivocal talents for using layered colors and vertical lines in his paintings are absolutely astounding and sensational. By brilliantly applying multiple mediums for his painting, he is able to depict intricate urban stories that resonate deeply with viewers. In his painting, we see human
Forever Sensational Paintings by Jean-Humbert Savoldelli Read More »
Exciting Discoveries in Cryptogams by Dr. Jung In Chile, sandwiched between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, lies the Atacama Desert, the driest land on earth. The aridity of the weather on this desert makes it impossible for many habitats to survive. Due to the extreme weather conditions and barren appearance, people tend to